Become a Sponsor
Become a Sponsor
Organizational Sponsorship Opportunities
Because E3 Alliance is engaged in many cross-sector collaborations and events across Texas and the education continuum, we also offer organizational sponsorships to partners who want to leverage larger impact and visibility.
Amplify your branding and engagement during the entire year for maximum exposure.
Naturally, these are larger investments (starting at a $10,000 investment). We customized each event sponsorship to meet your expectations.
Sponsor an Event
One of our superpowers is assembling diverse and steadfast groups around the common agenda to improve educational outcomes for all students.
Sponsor an Event

Blueprint Summit
Our annual Blueprint for Educational Change Summit is one of the largest and most faithfully attended convenings of education-minded leaders in Central Texas.

Blueprint Summit Informational Packet
2024 Blueprint Summit Sponsorship Opportunities
Geeks in Boots

Geeks in Boots
Geeks in Boots is a fundraising event that captures the spirit of transforming education systems through data and collaboration so all students succeed, cradle-to-career. All proceeds benefit initiatives that seek to improve student outcomes across every demographic in Texas.

Other Events
Other Events
Peer Learning Networks & Steering Committees
In our Peer Learning Networks, educators and education leaders look at our data and analysis to determine practices that solve difficult problems and can be scaled from a single campus, district, or institution to a state-wide policy recommendation.
Legislative Learning Sessions
We meet with legislators to review the latest data and trends in Texas education so they can make informed, unbiased decisions in their roles as lawmakers. Learn more about our Advocacy.
E3 Alliance-Led Working Groups and Initiatives
Our Focus Areas guide our direction on the Initiatives we should tackle as a community. The working groups and initiatives that come out of those foci meet often to review data, ideate on potential promising practices, test hypotheses in the field, and share pain points.