Strong data indicate that students who take more math courses beyond Algebra 2 before graduating high school, and who take math all four years in high school, are more likely to graduate from a two- or four-year college or receive a postsecondary industry certificate. Earning these credentials beyond high school are reliable predictors of whether a student will have access to a living-wage career during their lifetime.
About this data:
E3 Alliance has analyzed data on Math from the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) at the University of Texas at Austin Education Research Center (ERC).
E3 Alliance produces the E3 Alliance Education Profile, the most comprehensive regional view of education trends and outcomes in Texas. Expanding upon the Central Texas Education Profile published since 2007, the Profile offers a wide range of actionable and relevant data for Texas and regions across the state, connecting the dots between student achievement and economic prosperity for our communities.