Increase kindergarten readiness with full-day pre-K combined with lower student-to-teacher ratios

Students who attend full-day pre-K in classrooms with low student to teacher ratios are more ready for kindergarten than their peers who didn't attend pre-K.
Pre-K Equity

Before Texas House Bill 3 passed in 2019, pre-K program practices varied by district. Some districts provided full-day pre-K. Others offered full-day. Some had fewer students per teacher, others had more. These variations allowed E3 Alliance to examine longitudinal data to determine factors that can improve student outcomes. Full-day pre-K combined with fewer students per teacher showed remarkable results.

Why This Matters

Attending a high-quality, full-day pre-K in a classroom with a low student to teacher ratio is paramount. Not only does it increase early academic achievement, but pre-K also increases the likelihood students graduate high school and attend postsecondary.

Data & Trends

Kindergarten Readiness

Kindergarten readiness is both the foundational skill a child brings paired with the school environment in which they are supported. In a ten year study that measures students’ response to instruction within the first weeks of school, we found:

  • Kindergarten readiness is highly predictive of both reading and math success in 3rd grade.
  • In 2023, 3rd graders were 3.3 times more likely to have met standard on the math and reading 3rd grade STAAR if they were ready for school in kindergarten.¹
  • Kindergarten readiness was more predictive of third grade success than any demographic factor, such as income status.
  • All kindergartners with pre-K experience are 1.8x as likely to be ready for kindergarten.
  • Students from low-income households are nearly 3x as likely to be ready for kindergarten if they attend pre-K.

Students from Low-Income Households

Students from low-income households are 2.6x more likely to be kindergarten ready if they attend pre-K, compared to all kindergarteners regardless of household income.

Central Texas
Kindergarteners from low-income households are nearly three times as likely to be ready for school
Odds of kindergarten readiness based on pre-K enrollment status, Central Texas, 2013-14 to 2018-19
Kindergarteners from low-income households are nearly three times as likely to be ready for school
Source: E3 Alliance analysis of "Ready, Set, K!" weighted data; odds ratios are from logistic regression of pre-K status, controlling for income (All kindergarteners analysis), ethnicity, gender, and ELL status
Get a Closer Look at This Data

The Promising Practice

Students who were enrolled in full-day pre-K in classrooms with smaller student-to-teacher ratios were significantly more ready for kindergarten than students who were enrolled in other types of pre-K programs.

In 2019, House Bill 3 was passed by the 86th Texas Legislature and signed into law by Governor Abbott, which ensured districts could use state funding to provide students with access to full-day pre-K.

Districts with full-day programs before HB 3 had students in attendance five days more per year on average compared to districts with a half day program.

With this significant difference in attendance, as well as the longer instructional day, children in full day pre-K have over 370 more hours of instruction during their pre-K year on average than their peers who attend a half day program.

Central Texas
After House Bill 3 passed, we saw a sharp increase in students in enrolled in free pre-K followed by a sharp decline during COVID.
Pre-K 4 Eligible Enrollment Rate Over Time, By Target, Central Texas
After holding steady since 2012, this chart shows a significant increase in free pre-K enrollment in 2020 following the passing of House Bill 3. 2021 saw a sharp decline due to COVID. 2022 enrollment has started to rebound, but is still not back to pre-COVID nor House Bill 3 enrollment numbers.
Source: E3 Alliance analysis of Texas Education Agency data at the Education Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin

Students who attended full-day pre-K with smaller student-to-teacher ratios enjoyed better outcomes in kindergarten readiness, 3rd grade reading, and beyond, compared to their peers who attended half-day or no pre-K.

This historic legislation ensured that students, in particular students from low-income households, gained better access to full-day pre-K.


¹ E3 Alliance analysis of Texas Education Agency Early Childhood Data System and STAAR data at the Education Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin


Work with E3 Alliance

E3 offers coaching and professional learning services to help educators tackle big problems and transform schools and districts for the better.



Early Education Impacts to 3rd Grade

Summary report on Early Education's Impact to the 3rd Grade. This is work that E3 has been doing since 2010.

Get Ready for School Guide for Families (English)

This guide is an easy-to-use tool to help your child prepare to enter kindergarten.

Preparate para la Escuela (en español)

Esta guía es una herramienta fácil de usar para ayudar a su hijo a prepararse para ingresar al jardín de infantes.

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