90% of all brain development occurs within the first five years of life making these early years crucial to a child’s social, emotional, and cognitive development.

Research shows that children who attend pre-K are more likely to be prepared for kindergarten and more likely to perform better on third grade reading and math STAAR tests.

Pre-K educators create a safe space for connection, learning, and belonging in the classroom.

It’s important educational leaders also create family-friendly enrollment practices that help ALL families navigate the process.

By supporting young children and their families early, we can set young learners up for an educational experience where they can ACE each and every school year (and beyond).

Download the Pre-K Social Media Toolkit for Educators (PDF 23.8MB)


E3 Alliance produces the E3 Alliance Education Profile, the most comprehensive regional view of education trends and outcomes in Texas. The Profile offers a wide range of actionable and relevant data for the Central Texas region and connects the dots between student achievement and economic prosperity for our community. It includes data on the region’s demographic changes, early childhood education, K-12 student achievement, achievement gaps, absenteeism, high school graduation, college and career readiness, college enrollment, and student and economic outcomes and implications. Visit the E3 Data & Trends site here.