When many policymakers and leaders around the nation are grappling with how best to serve young men of color amidst of the sea of racial unrest, the scourge of police brutality, and systems of injustice, there is a quiet, shining example of what is possible when a community comes together. Five years ago, Central Texas became one of over 200 regions across the country that chose to be a My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) community. Their work focuses on the needs of our low-income Black and Hispanic young men who are so often left behind by the systems that are supposed to serve them. While most MBK communities are providing outreach and convening support to young men of color, Central Texas has dug much deeper in launching MBK Scholars in an effort to:
  • Provide focused, individualized, culturally relevant supports to 100 targeted juniors and seniors in each participating school to help them graduate, enroll in and complete college
  • Change school and district systems to help all students who have traditionally been challenged in postsecondary access and success to complete a credential.

Launched in four area high schools in 2018, MBK Scholars is already showing remarkable success: targeting Black and Hispanic young men for whom college was barely an aspiration, a remarkable 81% now have specific, identified plans for postsecondary transitions in which they are actively being supported. Hear from some of our MBK Scholars here.

But they also need your support. Seven high schools have submitted highly qualified applications to commit to success for our MBK Scholars, but to date we have only secured funding for four high schools to participate. Your donation today can help these students achieve the support they need for college access and success. Sign up here to volunteer or contact Jay McCullar at jay@mayaconsultingllc.com.