New Data Revealed on First Cohort Under HB5
In December 2019, E3 led a data-driven, decision-making event (E3-3D) on high school and postsecondary outcomes under HB5, the Foundation High School program. Passed in 2013 during Texas’ 83rd Legislative Session, HB5 changed substantial curriculum and graduation requirements, transitioning from the “4×4” plan to a 22-credit program that made students earn endorsements in specific areas of study and completing four additional credits. Endorsements encompass five areas: Arts and Humanities; Business and Industry; Multidisciplinary; Public Service, and STEM.
Students from the Class of 2018 were the first to graduate under these new requirements. At the event, E3 shared trends in education and the workforce, impact on high school and college, along with graduation rates, endorsement selection, completion and college and career entry data.
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Presenters: Caitlin Hamrock, PhD, Director of Research, E3 Alliance; Lauren Thomas, Manager of Continuous Improvement, E3 Alliance; and Susan Dawson, President and Executive Director, E3 Alliance