November 7, 2007
Austin, TX ─ The E3 Alliance, in partnership with CommuniCard, LLC, will preview a new education campaign slated to launch in January 2008 that promotes education as the pathway to economic prosperity for Hispanic students and parents. On Nov.15, 2007 at 11 a.m., organizers will begin training more than 75 regional delegates from schools, non-profits, businesses, and other organizations who will share an instrumental role next year in making the campaign a success.
The campaign, titled “Piercing the Cultural Bubble™,” will involve a wide scope of education, marketing, and communications programs targeted to the Hispanic population through several core messages delivered through traditional and multi-media platforms. It is being framed around a strategic plan developed by Sylvia Acevedo, community leader, and founder and CEO of CommuniCard, LLC.
“This is another initiative that is part of the overall E3 Alliance blueprint for change to close the education achievement gaps that are stunting our economic development in the region,” said Susan Dawson, executive director of the E3 Alliance.
The Piercing the Cultural Bubble campaign will aim to increase the area’s workforce pool of educated and skilled Latinos while meeting increased global industry demands throughout Central Texas. Using proven research and strategies that are relevant to today’s 21st Century population, the campaign will target Hispanic children from early-childhood age to teenagers, as well as young adults and Spanish speaking parents.
“After conducting research, our analysis suggests that there is a significant lack of understanding within the Hispanic population about the U.S. economic system,” said Acevedo. “What we want to do is permeate the culture everywhere they live, work, eat, play, and pray with messages that illuminate the pathway to achieving economic reward through the system.”
About CommuniCard, LLC
Founded by Sylvia Acevedo, CommuniCard, LLC is a certified women and minority-owned business. The company is a workforce consultancy and a think tank focused on creating breakthrough strategies and creating easy to use tools and solutions for organizations competing in the fast-growing, changing demographic market of today and the future. Acevedo was named Business Woman of the Year by the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and serves in board and advisor positions for the E3 Alliance, Ann Richard’s Young Women Leaders Academy, Austin Community Foundation, United Way Community Board, Leadership Austin, Hispanic Scholarship Consortium, and the AISD Boundary Task Force. Acevedo earned a masters in engineering degree from Stanford University.
About the E3 Alliance
The E3 Alliance was formed as a collaborative effort of Austin Community College (ACC), the
Austin Area Research Organization (AARO), the University of Texas and others to initiate a
regional effort to increase global competitiveness, economic vitality and overall quality of life for
Central Texas by aligning our education systems to better fulfill the potential of every citizen.
Guided by an objective data map and a clear community vision, the E3 Alliance proposes to better align the practices of our regional education system and allocate investments and services more efficiently to dramatically and sustainably increase educational outcomes. The E3 Alliance acts as the Central Texas P-16 Council.