Presented by Dr. Amy Wiseman, Director of Research Studies and Christine Bailie, Director of HS, College & Career Success at E3 Alliance at the 2016 TxCAN Statewide Convening: Texas Pathways to Partnership.
To reach our 60x30TX higher education completion goal, we must make some very big changes for students – especially important for our low-income and moderately prepared – in the years leading up to high school. E3 Alliance followed the 2012 cohort of Texas 5th graders to determine which students take and succeed in Algebra I in middle school. We share how this varies based on math achievement in 5th grade,  demographics, and geography (district type and region). Teaser: We find that even our “bubble” students successfully pass the Algebra EOC exam when given the opportunity to “stretch” themselves.
To view the presentation, click the link: Pathways of Promise: Middle School Math Pathways Success to Drive Higher Education Outcomes